Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Brain Snapshot 11:48 pm 12/30/08

Following in the footsteps of Daron and Kristin... and doing a snapshot of the random thoughts that flutter through this head of mine.

Brain Snapshot #1

I should really go to bed soon, as it's almost midnight. the snow is supposed to start around 7am, that sucks since I have to go fax the request to UConn to get my final official transcript. They were supposed to send it awhile ago, but RIC never received it. Drives me nuts, I just wanna continue on in school, and this whole waiting thing is insane. They said my GPA is a "problem", since it's not the 3.0 they require as a minimum. I had issues during school, I can match each problem semester with an event in my life. It's horrible. I just want to become a teacher, so I can change lives, teach children, pass on my knowledge which I have gathered throughout my 23, almost 24 years. I Love learning, i Love teaching. I just want to help change the world. I hate these roadblocks that keep popping up. I really want sherbet right now, but we don't have any. Oooh maybe I'll have some frozen raspberries. Our water pressure here is horrible, the pipes are 60+ years old, and it takes forever for the washer to fill. I have laundry to do. Oye. I really miss my friends right now. Yeah, my love is right next to me, but I miss my "girls"... the "gang". I miss coffee smells, burnt hair, coffee presses, and orange slippers. I miss the couch, and the tall chairs, the full bed, and having my own sink. I miss Big Y, and Super Walmart... and the confessions door. I miss my friends. They really are my family. Without them, I wouldn't be the person I am today. Although I am surrounded by family here, I miss my other family, i miss my girls... I can't wait to see them again. I need a Grey's night, or a bowling night out... or a Funfetti concoction.
I miss my friends.
My contacts are bothering me, they have been in too long. I had taken so many fantastic pictures over the holiday... and today, somehow, in the process of copying them to my computer, all of them on my camera were deleted. The ones I took early on Christmas Eve were saved, and some others, but the good ones, the self-portraits taken in the reflection of our ornaments... all of them were deleted. I'm so pissed. I can't figure out how to fix it, and I don't think I can. It's now midnight, and i'm tired. I'm going to hit the sack... eventually.

good night, world.